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February 10, 2005
February 10, 2005

Attendees: Harry LaCortiglia, Michael Birmingham, Paul Nelson, Carl Shreder, Gerri Falco, Laura Repplier


OoCs signed for 6 Reynard Lane; 8 Stone Row, 172 West Main Street #4, 10 Mill Street
CoC signed for 12 Bailey Lane
Open Space appointments signed for George Comiskey & Harry Lacortiglia
Bills signed for Gale Assoc, Seekamp, Gtn Water (Camp Den), Boston Globe, Brody Hardoon

MOTION to pay outstanding bills as signed today – Paul / Michael / Unam
MOTION to accept the minutes of Jan 27, 2005 – Harry / Michael / 3 Aye, 1 Abstention

We will invite the applicant to meet with GCC to re-orient to current plan.  Old OOC has expired & new was not issued.  We will obtain a final plan and see whether that new plan reflects what we think was happening.

Why were these trees cut?  Perhaps to guarantee line of sight for True Lane.  The stream is out in open as a result of this cutting.  

Paul will write a letter to Jack Moultrie asking him to restore vegetation with conifers to block in the stream and low ground cover between the conifers & the road to safeguard the line of sight.  A copy of the letter will be sent to George Comiskey.

Action:  Paul will write to Jack Moultrie and George Comiskey


Reps:  Diane & Paul Boghosian,  Bill Manuel from Wetland Management.

Applicants submitted a revised plan as per Jan 27th GCC minutes.  

The GCC agent will review the replication area at the end of the second growing season & authorize removal of non-native hedge shrubs.

MOTION to issue OOC for 6 Rosemarie Lane using the sketch plan received Feb 1, 2005, rev date 1/31/05 with conditions as stated previously.  Harry / Michael / (Paul voting against conscience) 3 Aye, 1 Nay (Carl)

MOTION to close hearing  - Harry / Michael / Unam


Withdrawn without prejudice – re. Letter withdrawing NOI

MOTION to close the hearing without prejudice - Harry / Michael / Unam

No representatives, as per Paul Nelson’s instructions.

GCC will talk directly to applicant and get an updated plan.  Can’t close this hearing until we get that information.  

The applicant is currently working on the project without a valid OOC.  He says he has documentation from the Building Inspector.  GCC will want to review those documents.
The whole plan was changed with buildings moved on the lot.  Nothing beyond the no-cut line has been touched.

MOTION to continue to Feb 24, 2005 at 8:00 pm – Harry / Michael / Unam

Action:  Laura will obtain documentation from the Building Inspector and ask the applicant to provide a final (current) plan.

Reps:  Owners - Nicole Guillemette, Jim Biagioni; Martin Halloran, Engineer

GCC feels this is an insignificant change not requiring a new OOC.  We will send a letter to the applicants detailing how they should proceed according to the updated plan of replication.

The plan must be changed to show the replication area more clearly & show monuments.

Reps:  Jim Luker, Gale Assoc; Tim Toomey, SRT

All wells have been sampled.  Mr. Toomey submitted the List of Materials Removed, and Analytical Test Results.

The MW3 well exceeds GWC standards (it was sampled in 2003 as well).  These results should be compared with previous tests.  The water table is about 2’ below ground.  Upward & downward from that well are clean.

Lead was 1000 ppm(not really that high in a stockpile) but needs a leachable test.  Excavated material came out of the  newly installed stream settling basin.  Lead & PCBs are also in wetland.  Tested for volatiles only.  Near-surface soils in that whole area are also potentially contaminated.  It will be a challenge to meet residential standards  (Residential standard is 300, Background level is 600).  Could the stream be carrying it?  They will do water tests later as part of Phase 2.

They are still waiting for the dioxin test results.  Dioxins do occur where PCBs have been burning.  The tests had to go to Texas & take 4-6 weeks to return.

They are currently operating under an EO.  Should GCC issue a new OOC it should start again from scratch, building from the previous ones.  

They are currently clearing concrete & brush to make area more workable.  The EO allows for removal.  They won’t have much left to work on next month so will have time to work on an OOC.  Work with EOs until that is ready.  We don’t want any gaps in progress.

The original OOC (section 2.3.1) says the OOC can be amended.  Work should go more easily if we can get more data & amend as required as they go along.  It has been difficult to state what sequence things would happen as there was no data & they didn’t know what they would find as went along.

As this is an amendment to the OOC it must go through the abutter notification process, including a hearing for the PIP group.  They need to request an amendment to the OOC with details of what amendments are required.  Present those at a hearing & then it can be amended.  This could happen in the next 30 day period … as can’t work in next month anyway.  The original OOC is not being followed as the applicant began cleanup without notification to the GCC or authorization of the Agent and in violation of the issued OoC..  

Make the next EO for 6 weeks to allow everyone to get their information ready.



Town Accountant has given information about a number of tax parcels that the Conservation Commission may be interested in.  GCC may be interested.  

This list should be forwarded to the Town Accountant with a note that the Commission has an interest in these parcels and would like to further discuss the taking process when it concerns these parcels. The Open Space committee should generate a report that more clearly identifies the locations of these parcels (ie. maps…)

MOTION to enter into Exec Session by role call vote – Carl, Paul, Harry, Michael AYE